Missionary Training
Phase 1: SWORD
The SWORD (Soul-Winner Only Rightly Dividing) Phase stretches for a period of 2 months in Pra del Torno, Italy. It is only meters away from the School of the Barbs, where Waldensian Missionaries were trained over a period of more than 300 years. Ever since the Waldensians joined the Reformation in the 1500’s, this place has ceased to train missionaries. Now is the time when this place will again send out missionaries.
Manual Training
Receive instruction in practical gardening and country living skills. These skills will help you learn to be more self-sustaining, while at the same time balancing out the mental work that you will have.
Scripture Memory
Be challenged like the Waldensian Youth to hide God’s word in your heart that you may be always ready to give an account for what you believe. You learn how to memorize and will have assignments in scripture memory.
Evangelism Training
Learn how to study the Bible for yourself and then how to share the truth with others through personal Bible studies. You will also have training in how to prepare and give sermons and health lectures. The goal is also to involve you in missionary projects that we are already running so to give some practical experience as well as just theory.
Missional Business Training
Discover the principles of combining business and evangelism so that you can support yourself and others while still using your talents for God’s service. Learn from our own experiences in missional business.
Phase 2: FIRE
After spending time training in Pra del Torno the Waldensian missionaries in training were sent two-by-two into foreign lands to put into practice all that the theory they had learned. This was also a time to prove the missionaries and help them have their own practical experiences in mission.
The FIRE (Foreign Intense Real Evangelism) Phase will follow in the footsteps of Waldensians. The young men who successfully complete the SWORD Phase will then live and work in a developing country of Asia or Africa for a period of 3 months. They will be sent two-by-two and work in connection with local, experienced missionaries/evangelists in their country of assignment. They will have specific assignments and goals to meet during this phase of the training where they can really have many opportunities to preach and give Bible studies.
Bible Teacher Practice
Put the theoretical knowledge into practice by having an opportunity to preach and study with many people over the course of your time abroad. This will consist in door-to-door work, preaching evangelistic series, and finding whatever ways possible to find those seeking for the truth of God’s Word!
Foreign Culture Experience
Be confronted with a culture widely different than your own. Learn how to live and deal with people who live in a way diverse from everything you know. This will be hugely important for your work as a soul-winner!
Phase 3: TENT
If you complete the first two phases of the training to the satifaction of the Frontline Messenger team, you will have the possibility of taking part in Phase 3 of the Training. This phase, the TENT (Training Evangelistic Novel Tentmakers) Phase will be a type of hands-on practice in running an evangelistic business, and will last for at least 1 month. Ideally this will also be the same type of business that you plan to run after completing all 3 phases of the program.
Evangelistic Business Apprenticeship
Here you will gain the practical experience of running your own evangelistic business. Learn how to deal with customers, how to do the finances, and how to market your product with a real business. If you successfully complete this phase of training you will be assisted by Frontline Messenger to make the tentmaking business your own!
The Frontline Messenger team has had experience running a variety of missional businesses that you are able to use to support yourself in mission! Here’s a list of a few businesses we have experience running:
– Prophecy Escape Room
– Vegan Food Truck
– Mobile Escape Game
– Vegan Restaurant & Game Center